The ACNC legislation, various state laws covering associations, and the Corporations Act require reviews. How do reviews differ from audits? Which standard is to be applied to which reporting mandate? Is the audit risk understood and review procedures appropriately applied?
This GAAPinar will review and discuss the requirements of the suite standards on review engagements – ASRE 2400 Review of a Financial Report Performed by an Assurance Practitioner Who is Not the Auditor of the Entity, ASRE 2415 Review of a Financial Report: Company Limited by Guarantee or a Reporting Entity under the ACNC Act or Other Applicable Legislation or Regulation, and ASRE 2405 Review of Historical Financial Information Other than a Financial Report.
The session complements ASRE 2410 Implementing the revised auditing standard on a review of a financial report, which we addressed in the last series.