Accountants and auditors need to be more familiar with five contemporary financial-reporting issues.
Much is happening in sustainability reporting– progress on standards, legislation, and disclosure. AASB 17 Insurance Contracts comes into play and affects more than insurance companies. Crypto-currency disclosures are under the spotlight, and the ACNC has issued guidance, Charities and Crypto-assets. Regulators have identified standards’ interpretation issues – what are they? IFRS interpretations committee decisions might also be flying under your radar.
Don’t be caught unawares.
This session will discuss:
- Sustainability – progress towards standards here and in NZ, new sustainability guide for NFPs and charities, climate change disclosures
- The fundamentals of AASB 17 Insurance Contracts for non-insurers
- Crypto disclosures – what are standard-setters thinking?
- ACNC Charities and Crypto-assets guidance
- International and local enforcement issues to note
- Recent IFRIC decisions, and
- Other contemporary issues.