
Thursday 2 June 2022


2:30 pm


1.5 CPD Hours

Session Topic

A legal view of contemporary business risks affecting directors, accountants, and auditors

It’s time to reflect on important changes delivered by our regulators, courts, and parliaments.  Many affect accountants, auditors, and their clients.  Knowing about the changes helps us to understand better business and audit risks and what we need to do to address them.

Several of these developments will affect 30-June risks and reporting.  The session looks at:

  • What the regulators (e.g. ASIC, AUSTRAC, ATO, ACNC) are up to and their enforcement activities
  • Updated breach-reporting rules for AFS licensees
  • Warnings on whistleblowing compliance
  • New legislation and policy proposals, and
  • Governance and cases of importance, including going concern.
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